Chemical Peels in Chicago

The chemical peel removes the damaged, outer layer of your skin to reveal a newer, fresher, more supple layer of skin below.

Chemical Peels in Chicago



Chemical Peels in Chicago

The chemical peel removes the damaged, outer layer of your skin to reveal a newer, fresher, more supple layer of skin below.

The chemical peel removes the damaged, outer layer of your skin to reveal a newer, fresher, more supple layer of skin below.

Chemical Peels

Achieving smooth, radiant skin is a popular goal that most people have, but when it comes down to eliminating the appearance of acne scars, texture, and uneven skin tone, it can be difficult leaving people stressed, upset, and insecure about their appearance. Thankfully, however, new dermatology treatments allow for easy elimination of these skin imperfections. At RefinebyTulsi, Dr. Tulsa Kotecha and our team are now proud to offer chemical peels to our patients.

If you are interested in learning about whether or not chemical peels are right for you, read our FAQ below:

What is a Chemical Peel?

The chemical peel literally removes (or peels) the damaged, outer layer of your skin to reveal a newer, fresher, more supple layer of skin below. Chemical peels are an all in one “anti-aging” treatment , addressing multiple skin.

Chemical peels also break up melanin pigment, reducing hyperpigmentation. It also addresses texture, pore size and fine wrinkles while resurfacing the upper layers of skin.

Chemical Peel Pre-treatment Instructions

  • Do not take Accutane for 6 months prior
  • Do not take retin A for 1 week prior
  • One week prior, stop use of cleansers and any exfoliating treatments, waxing, masques, hair dying, perms or straightening treatments
  • If you are prone to cold sores, take your anti-virals (one day before, day of, and day after treatment)
  • Come to the office with a fully cleansed face, no shaving, makeup, aftershave, or cologne.

Chemical Peel Post-treatment Instructions

  • Do not use Accutane for 6 months after.
  • Avoid using Retin-A or other topical acne medications until the day after your peel.
  • Do not apply any skin care product or makeup to your face (except for lipstick and eye makeup) for three hours after your peel. After this time period, you may use a moisturizer.
  • Avoid using alpha hydroxy acid products (such as glycolic or lactic acid) or salicylic acid products until the day after your peel.
  • Avoid the sun, tanning booths, or laser tx.
  • The evening following your peel, Gently cleanse your skin and pat dry. Use a mild moisturizer as needed.
  • The day after your peel, Use a gentle cleanser and apply any topical medication, moisturizer and sunscreen advised by your physician. Apply makeup, if desired.


Who Can Get Chemical Peels?

Patients who have facial imperfections such as acne scarring, uneven skin tone, and hyperpigmentation on the skin and who are in overall good health are the ideal candidates for chemical peels. This treatment is best for rejuvenating the surface of the skin, so although chemical peels can be used by all patients, results may appear the best on fair to light-skinned patients. If you have inflamed acne, or a sunburn, or are taking Accutane, it is recommended to heal from these conditions first before beginning chemical peel treatment.

Are Chemical Peels Safe?

Yes. Chemical peels are a safe, FDA-approved non-invasive procedure that uses active ingredients to lift the outermost layer of the skin to reveal a fresh layer underneath. This removes damaged layers of the skin and allows a fresh, more radiant new layer to appear. Because chemical peels typically target surface-level skin issues, it is often a highly recommended, safe procedure for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin.

Are There Any Side Effects of Chemical Peels?

Just like any other dermatology treatment, chemical peels can come with side effects. These may include redness, scarring, or infection, however, under the care and guidance of Dr. Kotecha, these side effects can easily be treated and avoided. With chemical peel recovery, it is important to follow post-treatment care guidelines to achieve optimal results and avoid long-lasting issues such as scarring.

How Many Chemical Peel Treatments Will I Need?

Depending on your skin resurfacing goals, the number of treatments you will need may vary. However, most patients see fully improved skin after two to three chemical peel treatments. Because the skin replaces itself every month, it’s recommended to have chemical peel treatments done around every thirty days to maintain the appearance of your skin.

Can I Use Chemical Peels if I Currently Have Acne?

It is not recommended to undergo chemical peel treatment if you have active acne. While chemical peels can treat the appearance of acne scarring, the peeling of the facial off the skin may cause further damage to skin that has active acne on it. We recommend healing your active acne first before beginning chemical peel treatment. Contact us today to find out which of our treatments target active acne, and which can be beneficial to you.

How Long Will My Chemical Peel Results Last?

Freshly revealed skin from a recovered chemical peel can last for about four to eight weeks. After that time, we recommended undergoing a follow-up chemical peel treatment to keep your skin as radiant and damage free as possible!

Schedule a Chemical Peel Consultation in Chicago Today

Are you ready to begin our journey to healthier, smoothie, younger-looking skin? Dr. Tulsi Kotecha is ready to help! Call 312-380-9780 to contact us today about booking your first consultation with us to see if chemical peels are the best treatment for you. We are happy and proud to serve patients in the Chicago area.


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Copyright by RefineByTulsi 2022. All rights reserved.
